Helpful Advice

22 Feb

I read this about helping others with depression and found it very accurate.  I’m doing ok right now, despite a blog absence.  But I am frequently not.  My long term depression meds are losing efficacy and I’m not sure what to do about it.

Anyway, busy life here.  New monthly blogging position and a weekly (paid) gig too so I’m excited about both opportunities.  I like being busy.  It is good for me.  Except in that moment when I realize I’m getting less reading done than I would like.

In other news, my parents are returning to this hemisphere in less than two months.  That will be an adjustment.  I have enjoyed it immensely when both they and my in-laws have been living in Africa.  You just don’t have to deal with them very much at such a distance.

Spinach is sprouting in our garden and one tiny, barely visible carrot top.

3 Responses to “Helpful Advice”

  1. Kristine February 22, 2013 at 10:56 am #

    Thank you for the link! I found it very informative. I have a friend out here who has been in a massive depressive funk for 4 years now. She cannot get out of bed most mornings and now has developed severe anxiety because of it. I am a fixer. I like to think I help by giving suggestions, but perhaps not!! I have to tell you that I admire your ability to still “live your life.” You are always so impressively considerate and aware of others’ needs. I think you have a sensitivity that only comes from personal hardship. Perhaps that is the silver lining, your ability to help others. I just wish (and here comes the fixer in me!!) there was a magic pill!

  2. spanishjenna February 22, 2013 at 6:55 pm #

    I’m sending you Neil to help you not feel depressed. Your lack of sleep and his constant need to touch you and whine at you is like a magic feel-good pill. Or not. Maybe just read your scriptures and drink more orange juice. I’m sure that is the right thing.

    On the bright side:
    Yea for getting paid! Yea for Africa! Yea for a garden! Yea for cousins getting married in Baltimore!

  3. Kate February 22, 2013 at 9:19 pm #

    I’m glad you have a new post here. I’ve missed your updates. At least it’s sunny in Yuma, isn’t it? Smucker? Sanguinetti? And, look at what great friends you have! Hang in there, kid! I’m 35 now, too, and it’s amazing, right? 🙂

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